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Unless you live under a rock and don’t know what is happening in the world, then you may not be familiar with the growing phenomena of podcasts. As of September 2023, 3.02 million podcasts were produced and approximately 464.7 million people listen to them. Do the math and you’ll learn that number is about 22 […]

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Is Psychedelic Medicine Becoming Mainstream?

Once the purview of the counter culture of the 1960s, psychedelic medicines are becoming mainstream in the 2020s. The concept of making psychedelic medicines a moneymaking endeavor began about a year ago with nonprofits and quirky startups. The enterprise has surprisingly caught on with private investors who have provided hundreds of millions of dollars for […]

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Using Enterprise Technology To De-carbonize The Planet

Perhaps the most important task during the next decade is reducing carbon dioxide from the environment of planet Earth. Reduction of carbon dioxide is an essential part of controlling global warming. Many in the technology field believe that enterprise technology is one means to assist companies to reduce their carbon footprint while pushing through their […]

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Global Minimum Corporate Tax To Begin In 2023

During the last days of October 2021, the members of the Group of 20 (G20) approved the concept of a global minimum corporate tax of 15 percent that was conceived by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). The G20 is a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 19 countries and […]

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The Benefits Of AI In The Insurance Trade

One major technology phenomenon that is spreading to just about all segments of the U.S. economy is artificial intelligence. There are some who look at its arrival, as the devil incarnate because it is believed it will devastate the human workforce causing an epidemic of unemployment never seen before. Others think that with a little […]

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Flying Cars Are Coming For Real

Once the purview of science fiction movies and cartoon shows, the flying car may finally become a real thing in just a few years. A number of companies including automobile manufacturers are working on the contraptions. Many are in the testing stage. Why are we so enamored with the concept of flying cars? Spend some […]

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Robust Recovery Of Hospitality Trade Expected

One of the worst effected industries to the COVID-19 Pandemic has been the hospitality trade. Once the threat of the virus began to diminish and things slowly started to achieve a semblance of normalcy, questions from both investors as well as those involved in the industry began to wonder if a recovery was possible and, […]

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Will Hybrid Work Be The New Normal?

The coronavirus pandemic that stranded many businesses in limbo as far as their work force was concerned may have introduced a whole new business model for 2021 and beyond. The coronavirus caused many businesses to accept a workforce that mostly worked from home. As the pandemic fades, businesses are adopting the concept of hybrid work […]

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Is This The Year We Really Attack Climate Change?

It appears that finally the world as a whole is ready to do something major about heading off climate change. President Biden has made it a priority, other governments seem totally committed, and the private sector seems to understand the ramifications on the world’s economy if we don’t attack the issue aggressively. Biden used the […]

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Fixing The Climate

The issue of Climate Change, also known as Global Warming, has been plaguing not just the United States, but all the countries and people of the world. If there isn’t a concentrated effort on the part of all governments and the people who they govern to stop or minimize it, the planet and the people […]

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Opportunity Zones Offer Assistance To Fed’s Infrastructure Renewal

Private Investors Can Invest In Opportunity Zones To Assist Fed’s Infrastructure Renewal Many are complaining that the Biden Infrastructure Plan doesn’t involve enough private investment opportunities. Although that is true, private investors can take advantage of the economic boom resulting from infrastructure investment by investing in Opportunity Zones. What Is An Opportunity Zone? In 2017, […]

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Special Purpose Acquisition Company

People invest for so many reasons. They can be looking for that unicorn or a privately held startup company with a value of more than $1 billion. They can be looking for a safe investment that will give them a sustained source of income for the long run. Or they are looking for an investment […]

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Building An On-Demand Workforce

Back in the day, the workforce, as far as businesses were concerned, were full-time employees dedicated to working at the site of the business. It was a permanent reservoir of workers that did the tasks that the executives of the business wanted them to perform. New employees would be hired with the idea that they […]

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The Future Of American Capitalism

Since its advent in northwestern Europe in the 16th and 17th Centuries, capitalism has overcome many challenges and has become the dominant economic system in the world. Its resilience has allowed it to overcome challenges from wars, depressions and recessions to societal inequities. Worker discontent brought on the unions.  Financial disparities have brought the minimum […]

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Aftermath Of The Coronavirus Pandemic

Are we preparing for a new normal? That was the phrase that was used to explain the aftermath of the Great Recession, the Great Depression, and other worldwide crises. The traumatic hit the world has been taking from the coronavirus may result in changes that challenge our view of normal. For example, American consumer confidence, […]

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