Using Enterprise Technology To De-carbonize The Planet

Perhaps the most important task during the next decade is reducing carbon dioxide from the environment of planet Earth. Reduction of carbon dioxide is an essential part of controlling global warming.
Many in the technology field believe that enterprise technology is one means to assist companies to reduce their carbon footprint while pushing through their routine of doing business.
What Is Enterprise Technology
Before we get into how enterprise technology can assist in reducing carbon dioxide from our planet’s environment, we need to understand what enterprise technology is.
Enterprise technology is using technology resources and data and assimilating it across a business organization to solve a problem. It looks at the forest rather than the tress and makes sure that all of a company’s resources are working together to solve problems.
This technology involves the tools business organizations use to offer total efficiency and company success. It solves a solution that plagues an entire enterprise and not just one facet of the business.
Solutions found by enterprise technologies improve efficiency in a company’s management and develops dependable technology solutions in the long term that allows the business to grow and thrive. It helps create solutions for all platforms of an organization including:• Sales
• Content Management
• Finance
• Payment Processing
• Cyber Security
• Collaboration
• Customer Relations Enterprise technology includes all facets of a business from marketing to cyber security. ET assures that all aspects of a business are working together to develop a strategy and transforming the business to assure that the problem is solved.
A company’s enterprise technology –- its computers, data centers, and communication networks – accounts for as much as 10 percent of global energy use. That adds to the problem of global warming. However, digital technology can be used to reduce a business’ emissions.
Ways in which this is done is through the use of software applications that monitor and manage a company’s greenhouse gas emissions as it performs its business. Digital technology can help make a business more efficient and automation can assist the organization to reduce its carbon footprint. To achieve this, companies will have to rethink some of their basic operating principles.
How Enterprise Technology Helps A Business Reduce Carbon Dioxide
So how can enterprise technology help businesses reduce their carbon footprint? The technology can help in three ways:
• Permit the transition to new applications that will help businesses monitor their greenhouse gas emissions and track their progress to meet reduction goals.
• Accelerate change by increasing efficiency across the company’s operations and interact with suppliers to help reduce emissions across the value chain.
• Reconfiguring enterprise technology solutions to reduce emissions of a company’s operations.
Companies know how important it is to use technology to comply with government regulations. However, companies must also acknowledge the benefit of reducing emissions and energy use to keep costs in line.
As a result, many companies are already reducing greenhouse gas emissions due to their operations and are making and marketing low-carbon products.
Enabling The Transition
Companies that have developed a plan for reducing their carbon footprint rely on monitoring their emissions and setting goals they wish to achieve. The monitoring assists them in determining how they are doing in achieving the goals. It also helps them make course corrections in their operations to assure that the goals are met.
Using Software To Achieve Solutions
Already there are software manufacturers that are offering risk management and ESG monitoring software that generate reports on a company’s carbon footprint and attempt to reduce it. There are a large assortment of such software that can be used by any company regardless their trade.
Some companies have actually created their own systems to track their emissions and other ESG data. This is how a company can start out. First, focus on tracking and collecting data on your carbon emissions.
Companies are also using blockchain technologies to track and offer transparency, security, speed, and efficiency to monitor its carbon emissions throughout an organization including its supply chain.
Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, the three major cloud service providers, can offer advanced analytical services. All three have developed ESG strategies that offer the cloud and analytical services and are using technologies that include artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of Things, and smart grid solutions.
Enterprise Technology Helps Manage Emissions
Not only can it track a company’s carbon footprint, enterprise technology can also help manage emissions and deal with other sustainability issues a business will encounter. This can help businesses focus on the sustainability in the design and sourcing of new products because it helps source data and integrates with suppliers.
How can a company get started using enterprise technology to reduce its carbon footprint?
Well, first, you need to understand what you want to accomplish. Company executives must decide whether they want to settle on using enterprise technology to meet regulatory or other compliance demands or to use it to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace.
If it’s the latter, then businesses must recognize capability gaps within their operation. Learning to monitor your carbon footprint is an activity that you probably haven’t focused on. So, you may need help. There are companies around that can help you in the process and help you determine and reach your goals.
You will have to build sustainability into your organization and rely on your IT department to help do that. Changing to a cloud-based infrastructure could be essential in the transition.
In conclusion, you will have to trust your data technology when pursuing your goals of reducing your carbon footprint not only for the good of the company, but also for the good of the planet.