Digital Services

Streaming And Sports Betting To Rise In Sports & Media Sector

The streaming phenomenon will continue to grow. Expect major networks and studios to develop their own direct-to-consumer streaming services. There may be some struggle for companies to keep up with an adequate content library that will both attract and retain consumers. Expect to see a variety of entertainment and media businesses to re-amass their content libraries with a broader selection of videos, music, and gaming services and support that content with advertising.

Surveys have shown that more than 69 percent of streaming video subscribers own at least one streaming video service while 65 percent own a traditional pay-for TV subscription.

A streaming war is being fought between just about every media company that wants to establish their own direct relationships with consumers. Streaming services are no longer just the purview of Netflix or Amazon, but will now include U.S. television networks and studios that have a stand-alone direct-to-consumer streaming service. As a result, the studios are holding back content from third-party streaming platforms making it next to impossible for these platforms to collect major studios or networks under their control.

As a result of the explosion of video streaming entities, consumers find themselves trapped in trying to manage and pay for a plethora of subscriptions to watch what they want.

Thus, the services that offer the best and widest content will be the winners. Watch for streaming companies to re-form their offerings to present more of a highly customized package of content that could also include music and games.

While ad-supported video has become dominant as a tool for delivering streaming videos to consumers in China, India, and the Asia-Pacific rim, consumers in the United States favor the Netflix model of ad-free subscriptions.  U.S. consumers would rather avoid the ads. However, as more TV networks, film studios, and tech companies unveil their own subscription services, they may find it harder to survive and will need to turn to an ad-supported alternative.

Meanwhile, be prepared for the expansion of legalized sports betting in the telecom and in the media and sports industries.  Spiked by the May 2018 United States Supreme Court decision ending the federal ban on sports betting, the expansion is now also being driven by rulings on sports betting in several states including New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia.

Expect the popularity of sports betting to grow thanks to 5G technology that will cause an explosion in low-latency, high-volume communication capability. This will make real time sports betting easier to pursue.

Expect to see traditional media and entertainment companies get involved in the sports betting phenomenon. Fox is already promoting its new online betting app called “Fox Bet.” In addition, mobile sports app the Score will be introducing its own mobile sports book in New Jersey.

TV networks are developing programming for sports-betting fans and offering streaming services on which they indent to display sports betting content.

Greyson Global is aware of and prepared to keep you informed about the rapid changes in the media and sports industry so that your company is ready to take advantage of the wonderful benefits.